Gulp...Gulp...Gulp... Zaftig here with the latest and greatest.
Alcohol can be a major setback when one is trying to diet. But again, with anything it is all about moderation. "I do" want another drink, I will be thinking as the bride and groom solidify their vows, their promises to each other, and well, just give me a drink.
We all know that when wedding season hits, it hits hard. Drinks, food, and more partying. Hey, it should be that way, we are celebrating two people beginning their lives together. But how do we survive a diet when we are constantly at weddings.
First, we have cocktail hour. Close your eyes and picture the norm. People flock like herds of crazy birds trying to get their drinks at the bar. Well, here is a solution for those of us on our diets...ready? Slow down, let the line pass. We are in no hurry to get a drink right away. You can nurse that baby for a while so you have your drink in hand at all times.
And the hardest part is the hors d'oeuvres hour. STEP AWAY FROM THE FRIED STUFF. Scan the aisles, and see what you really want. If there is something that you are dying to have, have it, but eat half. Fill your plate up with fruit and even cheese. The protein that cheese has will allow you to feel fuller, thus you will eat less!
Next we have our meals. You do not need to partake in everything that is served. Eat your salad, and then go dancing for a while. Let them bring the other five hundred courses while you are burning calories on the dance floor.

Alright, it's time to get ready for this shindig tonight. Can I do it? Can the Zaftig pass the test? I will be reporting back so stay tuned for more.
Signing off,
The Zaftig
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