Zaftig returning after the tumultuous aftermath of Hurricane Irene. I had no power, however, similar to Hurricane Irene, I destroyed my diet with gusting winds, torrential down pouring, and unfortunately everything that came into my path was gone.
Really, I had no power for several days, and we had to eat everything in the fridge and freezer before it went bad, what's a girl to do?
When the power turned off on Saturday night, most people were thinking about the windows being smashed as the wind swished through the sky, the trees falling into houses...but not I; I was concerned about how the food was going to be prevented from going bad.
How does one ruin weeks of hard work by a simple three days?
Some of us chronic dieters know that dieting has its ups and downs, but getting back on that track can be challenging. If I told you I was wonderful and did not stray away from eating healthy during my time of hurricane hibernation, I would be lying to you and myself. So let's just put it out there, I completely destroyed it!
But what does this mean for Zaftig? Does this mean quit, give up, relinquish my powers of dieting forever?
Absolutely not! As of today, Wednesday, August 31, 2011, Zaftig will overcome and conquer. As the aftermath of Hurricane Irene is cleaned up amongst many throughout New Jersey, Connecticut, New York, etc., Zaftig will also repair the damage that has been done.
How did you guys survive the hurricane (if you were hit)?
That is all for now, but stay tuned for more because the power is restored (in both my house and dieting!)
Signing off,
The Zaftig
About Me

- The Zaftig
- I am your typical 24 year old teacher and graduate student.I have the world by the (well, let's keep this P.G.) I have the world at my fingertips. But one thing that is not on my side, is my ZAFTIG figure. What is Zaftig you may ask? Zaftig(yiddish word): definition: Having a full, rounded figure; plump. So take this journey with me as I blog about my challenges, triumphs, healthy alternatives, working out and more!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Weight Limit
The next story that I want to share with you has nothing to do with me, yet I felt compelled to blog about something I witnessed. During the spring, I went to Six Flags with my students on a field trip. I went on rides with some of my colleagues, students, and all in all, had a tremendous day. The rides are safe, and are built to keep people locked in. Right?
I waited on line, pushing through others to make sure I would align with my colleagues to ride in the same row, when I spotted some commotion amongst the ride workers. I then zoned in on the situation at hand. A man, appearing to be about twenty years old, was told he could not go on the ride. He was too big for the seat, and it would be a safety hazard if they allowed him to continue.
I watched as he peered around the crowd to see who was looking. His cheeks were flush, with a rosy touch of shame and embarrassment. I then, looked away, looked down at my feet, where I hid my tears that were unstoppable. I never said a word to this man, never locked eyes with him, and never saw him again, but that day, I felt for him.
Although I have never been in that situation whatsoever, I know what it feels like to not do something because of who you are. I have never been asked to step off a ride, to order an extra seat on an airplane, because there would never be a need for that. But internally, I am the one who prevents myself from buying that bikini, impulsively taking that ride down to the beach, or feeling comfortable in my own skin.
Then again, I know who I am, I know what I am capable of, and change is the future.
Signing off,
The Zaftig
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Bad Girl
Bad Girl, Bad Girl, Whacha gonna do, whacha gonna do?
So I have this amazing trainer; he motivates me, hes a friend to me, sometimes he even yells at me, but it is all from that tough love trainer mentality. I have been seeing him for over a year now, and it seems as though we have built a wonderful relationship. I can talk to him about personal issues, but also about my weight issues.
So I may have been told on occasion, that I am his most inconsistent client, well....I am. He has seen me change diets over and over again. This time it's going to be different, I tell him. As I settle into a new diet over the summer, I have been working hard. But, one day I came down with Bronchitis, and may have milked that a little too long.
One day I came into the gym for a training session without that spark; without that motivation to workout and put in my full effort.
I was a bad girl. My trainer wanted to teach me a lesson. Next thing I knew, I was outside of the gym, side by side with my trainer, pushing a tire up and down a hill. Mind you, this tire was not for a little Honda, but more like a monster truck. To top it off, he then had me run around the building several times. What really motivated me, was the fact that he was right there next to me. Instead of telling me what to do, and watching me do it, he joined in and pushed me along the way.
Now you know what happens when you come to the gym and are not ready to work your hardest,he said.
From that day on, I come to the gym every day with a big smile on my face.
Thanks for the motivation!
Signing off,
The Zaftig
So I have this amazing trainer; he motivates me, hes a friend to me, sometimes he even yells at me, but it is all from that tough love trainer mentality. I have been seeing him for over a year now, and it seems as though we have built a wonderful relationship. I can talk to him about personal issues, but also about my weight issues.
So I may have been told on occasion, that I am his most inconsistent client, well....I am. He has seen me change diets over and over again. This time it's going to be different, I tell him. As I settle into a new diet over the summer, I have been working hard. But, one day I came down with Bronchitis, and may have milked that a little too long.
One day I came into the gym for a training session without that spark; without that motivation to workout and put in my full effort.
I was a bad girl. My trainer wanted to teach me a lesson. Next thing I knew, I was outside of the gym, side by side with my trainer, pushing a tire up and down a hill. Mind you, this tire was not for a little Honda, but more like a monster truck. To top it off, he then had me run around the building several times. What really motivated me, was the fact that he was right there next to me. Instead of telling me what to do, and watching me do it, he joined in and pushed me along the way.
Now you know what happens when you come to the gym and are not ready to work your hardest,he said.
From that day on, I come to the gym every day with a big smile on my face.
Thanks for the motivation!
Signing off,
The Zaftig
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
What goes through the lips, ends up on the hips

Bigger snacks mean bigger slacks. ~Author Unknown
I have the best Jewish family; a loving mother, father, sister, brother and Nana and Poppy. There were always two things that I was never denied: love and food. I remember the days where I would have slumber parties at my grandparents and loved every minute of it (still do). But, my favorite thing to do was venture off to WaWa with Nana and Poppy where we would get their branded chocolate peanut butter ice cream. It became a staple for every visit. However, as years went on, I think I had too much of that "staple" food, and not enough of my peas and broccoli.
It became apparent that a diet was in the cards for me, and it was no longer a happy poker game, but time to give up the sweets.
I have always had Nana and Poppy's unconditional love, but with that, in a Jewish family, comes a little tough lovin'. Nana still offered me food even after a meal, but Poppy caught on to the fact that Zaftig was not an attractive look for a young woman.
"What goes through the lips, ends up on your hips"was now the staple statement whenever our family got together (coined by my Poppy). And most people would be upset, most people would be annoyed, but I find it to be words of wisdom. Don't ever deny what your grandparents say, because in my experience, they have a 99.9999 percent rate of being accurate. AND Guess what?! Poppy was right! I ate, and my hips grew! Who knew?
Signing off,
The Zaftig
Monday, August 22, 2011
Partner in Crime
Zaftig here wishing you a happy dieting Monday morning. Look out for a new motivational quote every blog!
"If food is your best friend, it's also your worst enemy. ~Edward "Grandpa" Jones, 1978.
This quote goes along perfectly with my sentiments for today. Don't we all have those friends for different reasons. Some friends are easier to talk to, others are our shopping buddies, while we have are partying chumps, our work friends, and then of course, we have our friends that we can call up and say, "hey you wanna grab a bite? I feel like cheating on my diet."
We all have those friends that struggle with something, and often, friends who struggle with their weight. We need to break free from that chain of constantly looking for comfort in our foodie partner in crime. Think about it, why do we take such pleasure and comfort in eating with someone rather than eating alone? Why do we think it is better to cheat with a friend? Does it make us feel better about ruining our diets?
Put the darn fork away, call up your friend, and tell them, "it's me or the food." Go for a walk, talk about your day, and enjoy your time with your friend. Leave the food behind.
Signing off as I begin my first book. Stay tuned for a book comin your way!
The Zaftig
Friday, August 19, 2011
"I DO"
Gulp...Gulp...Gulp... Zaftig here with the latest and greatest.
Alcohol can be a major setback when one is trying to diet. But again, with anything it is all about moderation. "I do" want another drink, I will be thinking as the bride and groom solidify their vows, their promises to each other, and well, just give me a drink.
We all know that when wedding season hits, it hits hard. Drinks, food, and more partying. Hey, it should be that way, we are celebrating two people beginning their lives together. But how do we survive a diet when we are constantly at weddings.
First, we have cocktail hour. Close your eyes and picture the norm. People flock like herds of crazy birds trying to get their drinks at the bar. Well, here is a solution for those of us on our diets...ready? Slow down, let the line pass. We are in no hurry to get a drink right away. You can nurse that baby for a while so you have your drink in hand at all times.
And the hardest part is the hors d'oeuvres hour. STEP AWAY FROM THE FRIED STUFF. Scan the aisles, and see what you really want. If there is something that you are dying to have, have it, but eat half. Fill your plate up with fruit and even cheese. The protein that cheese has will allow you to feel fuller, thus you will eat less!
Next we have our meals. You do not need to partake in everything that is served. Eat your salad, and then go dancing for a while. Let them bring the other five hundred courses while you are burning calories on the dance floor.

Alright, it's time to get ready for this shindig tonight. Can I do it? Can the Zaftig pass the test? I will be reporting back so stay tuned for more.
Signing off,
The Zaftig
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Run Zaftig Run
Raise your hand if you enjoy running. Anyone (crickets...) Don't be shy now.
Running is one of those sports that you either love or hate. I am learning to "love" it. As I embark on my weight loss journey, I know that eating right is not the only way to shed those pounds. Fitness is also a key ingredient in this process. Let's be honest, I hate running. I sweat, I get short of breath, and well, it's just plain hard work. I will be the first one to admit that running is challenging. But who doesn't like a challenge? I found a way that works for me.
First of all, hitting the pavement can seem overwhelming if you have never done it before. Start off at a slow, moderate pace on a treadmill or on a flat surface outside. Do interval running/fast walking at first. Running at a steady pace for an extended period of time is well, it just stinks! So, try running/walking until you feel that you have built up to a running pace that works for you. And the obvious, search the web for some sweet jams to keep your motivation up. I personally enjoy Hip Hop songs and beats that encourage my fists to pump in the air. Sometimes, my fists rise in the air, and seem to gyrate uncontrollably. But again, we all have our preferences.
Check out this website. You can search any music genre with your running pace!
Ok fellow Zaftigs, stay tuned for some new recipes that I am conducting in my weight loss lab.
P.S. does anyone have any running tips or other fitness suggestions/comments!
Signing off,
The Zaftig
Running is one of those sports that you either love or hate. I am learning to "love" it. As I embark on my weight loss journey, I know that eating right is not the only way to shed those pounds. Fitness is also a key ingredient in this process. Let's be honest, I hate running. I sweat, I get short of breath, and well, it's just plain hard work. I will be the first one to admit that running is challenging. But who doesn't like a challenge? I found a way that works for me.
First of all, hitting the pavement can seem overwhelming if you have never done it before. Start off at a slow, moderate pace on a treadmill or on a flat surface outside. Do interval running/fast walking at first. Running at a steady pace for an extended period of time is well, it just stinks! So, try running/walking until you feel that you have built up to a running pace that works for you. And the obvious, search the web for some sweet jams to keep your motivation up. I personally enjoy Hip Hop songs and beats that encourage my fists to pump in the air. Sometimes, my fists rise in the air, and seem to gyrate uncontrollably. But again, we all have our preferences.
Check out this website. You can search any music genre with your running pace!
Ok fellow Zaftigs, stay tuned for some new recipes that I am conducting in my weight loss lab.
P.S. does anyone have any running tips or other fitness suggestions/comments!
Signing off,
The Zaftig
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Bye bye Pounds! See you never!
Knock Knock. Who's there? Its The Zaftig here reporting live on this Wednesday morning. As I continue this journey, each day seems to come and go. But what seems to be disappearing? You guessed it, the pounds and my waistline. Down four and feeling great. What could be helping me shed these pounds besides my delicious treats?
Finding things to do that you enjoy is key. I found my calling; spinning. I woke up at 5 am this morning, headed straight to the gym and took a spinning class. As the sweat dripped down my forehead, I could feel the adrenaline rise as I stopped and thought to myself, "hey, this hurts, but it hurts so good"! The instructor was encouraging us to turn up the gears, turn up the heat, and in turn, I turned up the effort. Burning a whopping 700 calories in the beginning of the day sounds like good motivation to me.
I find it hard to sit at home and watch television, because what do most of us do? We nosh (another Yiddish word I am throwing at you which means to snack). But in my case, or many cases, we tend to OVERnosh. It is ok to snack while watching t.v, but it doesn't allow us to eat an entire bag of chips. Who has done that before? Of course I have! But it is time we make a change, and we make a change for the better. If you are inclined to snacking while hanging by the tube, continue to do so. But, you need to make some changes in order to shed those darn pounds. Switch up your chips for some carrots, and snack on them. Or hey, enjoy your chips, but switch them out for baked chips, and only have what the portion size allows you.
I know, I know it sounds sooo much easier said then done. But try it, give it a whirl, and wave your hand goodbye as you watch those pounds slip away. That's all for today, but stay tuned for more!
Signing off,
The Zaftig
Finding things to do that you enjoy is key. I found my calling; spinning. I woke up at 5 am this morning, headed straight to the gym and took a spinning class. As the sweat dripped down my forehead, I could feel the adrenaline rise as I stopped and thought to myself, "hey, this hurts, but it hurts so good"! The instructor was encouraging us to turn up the gears, turn up the heat, and in turn, I turned up the effort. Burning a whopping 700 calories in the beginning of the day sounds like good motivation to me.
I find it hard to sit at home and watch television, because what do most of us do? We nosh (another Yiddish word I am throwing at you which means to snack). But in my case, or many cases, we tend to OVERnosh. It is ok to snack while watching t.v, but it doesn't allow us to eat an entire bag of chips. Who has done that before? Of course I have! But it is time we make a change, and we make a change for the better. If you are inclined to snacking while hanging by the tube, continue to do so. But, you need to make some changes in order to shed those darn pounds. Switch up your chips for some carrots, and snack on them. Or hey, enjoy your chips, but switch them out for baked chips, and only have what the portion size allows you.
I know, I know it sounds sooo much easier said then done. But try it, give it a whirl, and wave your hand goodbye as you watch those pounds slip away. That's all for today, but stay tuned for more!
Signing off,
The Zaftig
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Let me take you on a Sweet and Salty Ride
The Zaftig here reporting live from Hungryville. First off, I want to thank my followers, keep spreading the word!
So today I made a healthy concoction that used only three ingredients. When I created this masterpiece, I think I tasted something like what Heaven would taste like.
Take notes, this is going to be the easiest, most delicious and guilt-free treat that you will ever partake in. Ready? I think you are, so here it goes. This treat will only add an approximate 180 calories to your day.

1. Vitamuffin tops (100 calories) (any flavor you like(for this specific recipe, chocolate may taste the best), they can be found in the freezer section of your local grocery store)
2. Pretzel Sticks (approx. 60 calories(crush up about 5) check your portion size and calorie content, any brand will do)
3. Lite Cool Whip (approx. 20 calories)
Ok, are you ready to be amazed?Here are the three steps you must take in order to take a ride to healthy Heaven.
1. Cut your Vitamuffin top in half
2. Place two tablespoons of cool whip(lite) on each side of your Vitamuffin
3. Crush up 5 pretzels (depending on size, use your judgement) and sprinkle within your new "sandwich"
You can enjoy this delectable treat room temperature, stick it in the microwave for a few seconds, or stick it in the freezer. Now, the last and most essential step is to eat it!
And...another way to switch up your delicious treat is to simply add strawberries. Still three ingredients, and three easy steps (you could add the pretzels as well).
Let me know what you guys think of this recipe, more to come!
Signing off,
The Zaftig
So today I made a healthy concoction that used only three ingredients. When I created this masterpiece, I think I tasted something like what Heaven would taste like.
Take notes, this is going to be the easiest, most delicious and guilt-free treat that you will ever partake in. Ready? I think you are, so here it goes. This treat will only add an approximate 180 calories to your day.
1. Vitamuffin tops (100 calories) (any flavor you like(for this specific recipe, chocolate may taste the best), they can be found in the freezer section of your local grocery store)
2. Pretzel Sticks (approx. 60 calories(crush up about 5) check your portion size and calorie content, any brand will do)
3. Lite Cool Whip (approx. 20 calories)
Ok, are you ready to be amazed?Here are the three steps you must take in order to take a ride to healthy Heaven.
1. Cut your Vitamuffin top in half
2. Place two tablespoons of cool whip(lite) on each side of your Vitamuffin
3. Crush up 5 pretzels (depending on size, use your judgement) and sprinkle within your new "sandwich"
You can enjoy this delectable treat room temperature, stick it in the microwave for a few seconds, or stick it in the freezer. Now, the last and most essential step is to eat it!
And...another way to switch up your delicious treat is to simply add strawberries. Still three ingredients, and three easy steps (you could add the pretzels as well).
A little taste of Heaven |
Let me know what you guys think of this recipe, more to come!
Signing off,
The Zaftig
Monday, August 15, 2011
Slow and Steady Rock Climbin'
Timberrrrrr! Rock climbing? Dieting? Do they go hand in hand? Let's be honest, this girl has never been rock climbing, but I sure have been dieting for oh, let's say 17 years? You see, dieting is similar to climbing a rock; challenging, overwhelming, and even a bit scary.
With each step, you want to make sure that your foot stays centered and doesn't slip, but we all know that sometimes we can feel our own feet slipping from underneath us. Dieting is not a steady climb, however, we can see it as a thrill, something that we need to overcome.
With every fad diet that comes my way, I venture off into an abyss of rocks, sometimes even avalanches. You name it, I have tried it, failed it, and started all over. But what really works? I will take you on my adventure as I climb this incredible journey, and finally make that change that will take as much will power and determination as it takes to climb Mount Everest. By the age of 25, I hope to reach the top, reach my goal, and feel empowerment and control.
Strap on your harness because we are in for a rocky climb.
Signing off,
The Zaftig
With each step, you want to make sure that your foot stays centered and doesn't slip, but we all know that sometimes we can feel our own feet slipping from underneath us. Dieting is not a steady climb, however, we can see it as a thrill, something that we need to overcome.
With every fad diet that comes my way, I venture off into an abyss of rocks, sometimes even avalanches. You name it, I have tried it, failed it, and started all over. But what really works? I will take you on my adventure as I climb this incredible journey, and finally make that change that will take as much will power and determination as it takes to climb Mount Everest. By the age of 25, I hope to reach the top, reach my goal, and feel empowerment and control.
Strap on your harness because we are in for a rocky climb.
Signing off,
The Zaftig
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Rock Bottom
So here I am. I have officially hit rock bottom. I went away for a weekend with my boyfriend and met up with some great friends from college. I knew that it was time to really make a change when everyone suggested going to sit by the pool. What did I do? I suggested that we go site seeing, even though it was the weekend where the temperature reached about 1000 degrees. Good call on my behalf...or not.
At age 24, I know what I should be doing-enjoying my life, going to the beach, prancing around in a little bikini at a cute little tiki bar with a margarita in my hand. But, instead, I am 24, buying as many black shirts and pants as possible to cover myself up. Instead, I am wondering why I have been faced with this issue of weight, and why so many of my friends don't understand.
So through my blog, The Zaftig, I will write about my journey, my challenges, my triumphs, and other tribulations that I endure as a woman in her twenties.
This is where it ends, the Zaftig life, and a new journey begins. I hope that I will be able to lose the weight that I want to get the self confidence back that every woman should have. So here it goes...
Signing Off,
The Zaftig
At age 24, I know what I should be doing-enjoying my life, going to the beach, prancing around in a little bikini at a cute little tiki bar with a margarita in my hand. But, instead, I am 24, buying as many black shirts and pants as possible to cover myself up. Instead, I am wondering why I have been faced with this issue of weight, and why so many of my friends don't understand.
So through my blog, The Zaftig, I will write about my journey, my challenges, my triumphs, and other tribulations that I endure as a woman in her twenties.
This is where it ends, the Zaftig life, and a new journey begins. I hope that I will be able to lose the weight that I want to get the self confidence back that every woman should have. So here it goes...
Signing Off,
The Zaftig
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