About Me

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I am your typical 24 year old teacher and graduate student.I have the world by the (well, let's keep this P.G.) I have the world at my fingertips. But one thing that is not on my side, is my ZAFTIG figure. What is Zaftig you may ask? Zaftig(yiddish word): definition: Having a full, rounded figure; plump. So take this journey with me as I blog about my challenges, triumphs, healthy alternatives, working out and more!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

IMMMMM BACKKK in the gameeee

Hey all!
   Zaftig is back in the gammmme. Here I am, returning from a long journey of having no time at all between grad school-teaching-leading 3 clubs at school-and welp, leaving little to no time for the gym. But guess what, it is Rosh Hashanah, the start of the Jewish New Year. As I sit and ponder the important things that I would like for this year, there are many things that pop in my mind.
    Love, peace, happiness, and health are the top four categories that I wish for my family, friends, and myself. Let's revisit health-that is one of the most important things that we have.
   This week at school, I was greatly impacted by a fellow coworker who went to the hospital because of chest pains. The outcome of his sudden hospital visit was due to high blood pressure from salty foods and poor eating habits.
   Not only was I upset and worried about my colleague, but more importantly, it made me think about how valuable health is.
    Let's face it, ladies and gentleman, when we are so busy doing a million things, the last thing on our mind is what vegetable we can eat, what fruit we can enjoy, and how we can balance our meals. When we are on the go, we are thinking about the first available thing we can grab at a fast food restaurant, the next quick bite, and well, the famous, "No Gym for me this week, I just don't have the time". Dinnng dinnng...ringing any bells?
     So as I sit here and reflect on this game that I call life, the importance of tuning our bodies and minds, I think about friends, family, and myself. I wish that we all take care of ourselves by feeding our bodies with healthy things, rather than poor foods and drinks that can be detrimental to our health.
    La Shana Tova, Happy Jewish New Year, to both my friends that observe, my friends that don't, and anyone else that may be reading. I wish everyone the best as I continue my journey for self-discovery, self-confidence, and a better understanding of who I am.
   Remember, our lives are baseball games. We get a few strikes, maybe some foul balls before we are out. So make each pitch count, make each hit memorable, and hit a home-run until the referee calls the game.

Thanks for tuning in,
  I will be continuing to write more frequently!

Signing off,
The Zaftig

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