About Me

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I am your typical 24 year old teacher and graduate student.I have the world by the (well, let's keep this P.G.) I have the world at my fingertips. But one thing that is not on my side, is my ZAFTIG figure. What is Zaftig you may ask? Zaftig(yiddish word): definition: Having a full, rounded figure; plump. So take this journey with me as I blog about my challenges, triumphs, healthy alternatives, working out and more!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday Blues

It is Sunday, and what does Sunday bring? You said it sista, the Sunday Blues. The weekend is over, the work week is about to get started, and we are left alone with our thoughts.
    Lets's talk reality, and step away from our dieting dos and do nots. Life is about a series of events, good, bad, and neutral. Some events change our lives, others keep us on a tracked path.
    As I continue my life, I seem to become overly busy, maybe even a bit overwhelmed. Teaching, taking graduate classes, leading two clubs at my school, and now being the student council faculty adviser, seems like I might have bitten off more than I can chew.
     As my Sunday night continues, and the clock ticks, closer to bedtime, closer to the morning; I wonder how I will balance my busy week. I look through my papers, look at my list of things to do, and it seems as though I have fallen into a deep ocean, and I need oxygen to  last until I get to the surface.
    Am I drowning in an ocean of work? Does it seem like I am the only fish in a deep abyss filled with sharks?
     This month of September brings a new year, a new start, and new events that will come my way. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, and that swimming away from my responsibilities will allow me to get to the surface faster, I need to take it slow, one stroke at a time, until I am swimming alongside the sharks.

Signing off,
The Zaftig 

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