Zaftig here...returning after yet again another long break.
So I had a revelation in the past few weeks as I have had some time to reflect on my life. A few years ago, when I started my freshman year in college, I gained more weight then I ever thought imaginable. I encountered severe body issues, individuals who pointed out my significant weight gain, and people who were insensitive to my body issues.
I will never forget this one boy who lived in my dorm. Day in and day out, he would remind me of my weight, whether it was in front of a crowd, or a smirking comment straight to my face.
What enjoyment did this boy get in making me feel lower and lower in a sea of low self-esteem and unhappiness?
Maybe it was that boy who turned things around for me, or maybe it was the fact that I hit the lowest point in my life. Whatever it was, that summer I decided, no more junk food, no more eating my feelings, and certainly no alcohol. That summer, I decided to go on the Jenny Craig diet, and lost a whopping forty pounds before returning to college my sophmore year.
I kept off that weight for a good two and a half years, but somehow, some way, the weight crept back like a slow moving and invasive disease.
That boy who lived in my dorm was not there to taunt me or point out my flaws, but someone else stood out in my mind. The cruelest person that I have encountered in my life, the person that was the hardest on me, brought out my weakest points, my lowest and deepest emotions. Someone that I would call an enemy.
That person will forever live in my heart, and reflect back in the mirror every time I look into it. That person is me.
I woke up last week and asked myself,
why am I my worst critic? There is no need for a tormentor to motivate me, because I am the biggest nemesis to my own self esteem.
So this week, I am starting a new venture; something that has worked in the past, so should work again...history repeats itself, right?
Jenny Craig round two, here I come. But this new venture also allows me to meet someone special; my inner beauty.
And loyal Zaftig followers,
I pledge my honesty, my sincerity, and the real raw truth. I will be blogging more to allow you to follow my highs and lows as I approach this challenge, this time, for good.
Signing off,
The NEW and IMPROVED Zaftig